Scholarly Articles

Neo-paganism and Environmental Ethics

Does neo-pagan polytheism provide an adequate basis for environmental ethics? Those, such as eco-feminists, who propose a re-introduction of ancient polytheism and particularly earth goddess worship claim that traditional, Western theism has caused the destruction of the environment due to its placing man in dominion over the rest of the creation. Their solution is a neo-pagan understanding that sees the inter-connectedness of all things and an understanding of the earth as the mother goddess, sometimes called Gaia. I will show that this proposed basis for environmental ethics fails at all three levels of ethical analysis.


2 Thessalonians 2:1-8: Does it Support a Pre-wrath View?

Many scholars from differing eschatological camps have used 2 Thessalonians 2 as a proof text for their particular brand of end time events. In this paper, I will demonstrate that the exegetical issues involved in 2 Thessalonians 2 make it clear that this text cannot be used, in itself, to prove the pre-wrath position. Also, I will prove that the biblical interpreter must go beyond this text to the greater context of Scripture in order to resolve serious issues involving the timing of the rapture.


The Atonement Wars: There is No Substitute for Substitution

Inside evangelicalism, with its plethora of odd and often heretical teachings, we now have at least major skirmishes breaking out regarding the meaning of the death of Christ—if not all-out war. Many major voices identified and accepted as fellow evangelicals now chime in to challenge and target the Penal Substitutionary Atonement...


Pre-Millennialism and the Early Church Fathers

In this paper, Pastor Bob DeWaay will show that the earliest fathers of the church (before 300 AD) primarily believed in a literal millennium. This will be accomplished by consulting the primary sources, the fathers themselves, and other writings about the views of the early fathers...


. . .That You May Believe: Formulating a Theology of Pisteuo (believe) in John’s Narrative

Few biblical authors give their readers such a clear proclamation of “intent” as does the author of the gospel of John. In bold and simple fashion, John announces his purpose in penning his account of the person and work of Jesus Christ.On the heels of his chronicling of the teaching of Jesus, the signs that pointed to His authenticity, and the glory of His death and resurrection, John exclaims...

The Pitfalls of Cultural Relativism
At JALT '93, in various articles, and in training seminars aimed at language teachers in Japan, I have noticed that some cross-cultural communication specialists base much of their advice on an assumption that many might not recognize or accept. This assumption is cultural relativism...

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit in Acts
All evangelical Christians believe in being baptized in the Holy Spirit; but how and when one is baptized in the Holy Spirit is disputed. Since the advent of the Pentecostal movement in the early twentieth century, some have maintained that...

The Biblical Doctrine of Election
Passages from the NASB pertinent to the Biblical Doctrine of Election...

The Validity of the Law of Non-contradiction for Religious Epistemology
The basic, foundational law in classical logic is the law of contradiction: A is not equal to non-A. Based on the reality expressed by this law, categories are defined, meanings conveyed, irrationalities exposed, and truth differentiated from...

Shaeffer and Epistomological Despair
Francis A. Schaeffer asserted that when modern humans adopted rationalism, they thereby gave up rationality. At the heart of this claim is the distinction between rationalism and rationality. Schaeffer...

Thomas S. Kuhn's Paradigm Thesis and its Epistemological Applications in Theology
In 1962 Thomas S. Kuhn wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a book that has started a revolution of its own. Kuhn's epistemological revolution has reached beyond his original thesis concerning...

The Dominion Mandate and the Christian Reconstruction Movement
A recent theological movement known as Christian Reconstruction has made a significant impact on American Christianity in the past several decades. It is based on a Reformed, Calvinistic view of theology...

Resources by Topic

Emergent Church / Emerging Church
Shaeffer and Epistomological Despair
Thomas S. Kuhn's Paradigm Thesis and its Epistemological Applications in Theology
Bob DeWaay discusses issues surrounding the Emergent Church (or Emerging Church)

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