Seeker Movement Radio Broadcasts

The Whole Counsel of God, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, November 20, 2017
We begin this program by discussing how we experienced what happens when popular teachings arise, are promoted, and then fade away. Christians do not grow or become stable when the next great "move of God" flops and something new takes its place.
MP3 (duration 00:25:35)

The Whole Counsel of God, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, November 13, 2017
Does declaring the whole counsel of God as Paul affirmed in Acts 20:27 always meet the true needs of Christians? We show that it will. Some say that if people are not interested in Bible teaching and theology, we should provide something else...
MP3 (duration 00:24:55)

The Gospel to Mars Hill
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 14, 2007
In this program we show that there is an important distinction between how we take the gospel into the public arena and what we allow in the church by examining the differences between Paul's practices in Acts and what he disallowed in Galatia.
MP3 (duration 00:32:09)

When the World Determines the Message of the Church
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, April 23, 2007
Damage is done to the church's message when desire to be "relevant" takes precedent over Biblical truth. We trace the history of this problem from the modernist controversy of the early 20th century all the way to the current seeker sensitive movement.
MP3 (duration 00:27:00)

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