Prayer Radio Broadcasts

The Lord's Prayer
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 20, 2023
In this episode we teach verse by verse through the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer is not like the prescribed prayers found in many popular books today. We show that the Lord's Prayer is a prayer for the return of Christ.
MP3 (duration 00:22:34)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 45 - Scripture, not human interpretation, brings authoritative revelation
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 21, 2023
Sheets argues that biblical revelation originates in the heart, falsely citing John 6:33. That passage states scripture's words themselves are spirit and life. Unbelief, not a lack of revelation, is the problem. Bob shows that we must not deny divine revelations objectivity by using Gen. 3.
MP3 (duration 00:29:30)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 44 - The Clarity of Scripture Contrasts Unbelief
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 14, 2023
We reject Dutch Sheets' view of biblical revelation, in which the Bible becomes the Word of God through a secondary process. The Bible and is clear and understandable. The problem is not with the clarity of Scripture - the problem is unbelief
MP3 (duration 00:33:17)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 43 - Biblical Revelation Originates at Conversion, not in the Unrepentant Heart
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 7, 2023
Sheets misuses Acts 26:18 on revelation knowledge. True revelation happens at conversion. Unbelievers can know meaning, but not significance. Scriptural meaning doesn't change, but believers understand the significance and live accordingly.
MP3 (duration 00:31:02)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 42 - Lifting the Veil of Unbelief and Erroneous Teaching
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 31, 2023
Sheets claims that we must destroy demonic strongholds to "lift the veil off the mind of the unbeliever," (2Cor 4:3-40). We examine the context to show that Paul is referring to the clear preaching of the gospel, not false spiritual warfare techniques.
MP3 (duration 00:32:18)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 41 - Rebuking Paganized Christianity
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 24, 2023
Dutch Sheets describes a situation where "power and anointing" were released into a prayer cloth. We show from Acts that thinking handkerchiefs or aprons or even the name of Jesus is magical is in fact pagan. We need turn to Christ, not pagan techniques.
MP3 (duration 00:31:59)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 40 - Christian Shamanism
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 17, 2023
Dutch Sheets tells a story a family who anointed their son's personal possessions and anointed prayer cloths to break the power of sin over him. We call this Christian shamanism. Salvation is relational and not based on spiritual techniques
MP3 (duration 00:30:04)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 39 - Reject False Creation Analogies
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 1, 2023
Dutch Sheets claims that the Holy Spirit was giving birth to what Christ spoke as He hovered over the waters in Gen 1, and that this is what He wants to do through our prayers. We show that the creation account was not an analogy for prayer.
MP3 (duration 00:32:26)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 38 - Contrived Theology Searching for a Proof Text
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 24, 2023
We discuss proof texts that Dutch Sheets uses to claim that there is a prayer that "births" and releases the Holy Spirit to work. Rather than a prayer that births, there is a message to be preached - the gospel. We also discuss signs and wonders.
MP3 (duration 00:33:00)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 37 - Salvation Comes through the Gospel, Not Travail
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 17, 2023
We discuss Dutch Sheets' claim that travailing prayer can release the Holy Spirit and give birth to a miraculous outcome or salvation. We reject these teachings and encourage listeners to preach the gospel, pray for their loved ones and trust God.
MP3 (duration 00:31:39)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 36 - "Birthers" for God? Christ's Words Prove Otherwise
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 10, 2023
Dutch Sheets claims that we can be "birthers for God" as we release the Holy Spirit through prayer. John 3:8 shows that Dutch Sheets' claim is contrary to the teaching of Jesus. We proclaim the gospel, and the Holy Spirit saves whom He will save.
MP3 (duration 00:32:03)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 35 - The Spirit-inspired Authors Determine Scriptural Meaning
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 3, 2023
We discuss Dutch Sheets' use of stories to build his theology. Sheets is interpreting stories to fit his preconceived theology. The passages that he does cite are taken out of context and misapplied to support his errant theology.
MP3 (duration 00:31:45)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 34 - Romans 8 : Eternal, Not Temporal
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, March 27, 2023
We respond to Sheets' claim that the Holy Spirit wants to "direct our prayers" and "take hold" of temporal situations together with us. Rom 8:26 is about the eternal, not the temporal. We do not need to gain special revelations to gain a desired outcome.
MP3 (duration 00:30:11)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 33 - Clear Instructions from Paul Ignored
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, March 20, 2023
Sheets tells of a minister who stopped his message to pray in tongues for twenty minutes to reinforce his claim that the Holy Spirit wants to pray through us. We use 1Cor 14 to show that this was in direct violation of the instructions given by Paul.
MP3 (duration 00:31:05)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 32 - Misapplication Bias
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, March 13, 2023
We continue to discuss Dutch Sheets' misuse of Romans 8:26-28. Sheets' bias leans consistently toward the temporal in gaining a desired outcome through prayer, and against the eternal through God's sovereign care of His people as He brings us to glory.
MP3 (duration 00:26:33)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 31 - Range of Meaning
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, March 6, 2023
We continue our discussion of the charismatic version of Romans 8. We discuss Sheetss misapplication of Luke 13:14-16. We explain the range of meaning fallacy and demonstrate that Sheets has committed it in his misapplication of this passage.
MP3 (duration 00:30:39)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 30 - Subjective Feelings or Objective Truth
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, February 27, 2023
We encourage listeners to live in light of the promises of God. The Holy Spirit knows all things, and He helps us in our weakness as He intercedes for us. Dutch Sheets claims that we must do our part; we claim that our part is to trust the promises of God.
MP3 (duration 00:31:05)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 29 - Diminishing the Holy Spirit
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, February 20, 2023
We refute Dutch Sheets's synergistic view of Romans 8:26-28. The Holy Spirit knows what we don't know, and He intercedes for us according to the will of God. We must reject Sheets' teaching, which diminishes the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.
MP3 (duration 00:28:09)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 28 - Praying in the Spirit
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, January 23, 2023
We begin with a discussion of the charismatic view of promptings (or revelations) from the Holy Spirit and praying in the Spirit. Believers are indwelt by the Spirit, and when we are praying in accordance with Scripture, we are praying in the Spirit.
MP3 (duration 00:35:59)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 27 - The True "Kairos" Time to Pray
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, January 16, 2023
We discuss Dutch Sheets claim that we must be on the alert for "kairos" times to pray. We discuss the term kairos and show that Eph 6:18-20 refers to the church age. The prayer is for gospel boldness during persecution - not for protection from Satan.
MP3 (duration 00:29:52)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 26 - The "Secret Place" Properly Defined
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, January 9, 2023
Dutch Sheets states that Jesus equated the "secret place" in Psalm 91:1 (KJV) with the prayer closet found in Matthew 6:6. We refute this claim by examining Matthew 6:6 in context and by showing that the term secret place is better translated as shelter.
MP3 (duration 00:30:46)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 25 - Boundaries of Protection
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, January 2, 2023
Dutch Sheets claims that Christians must build boundaries of protection through prayer. We search the Scriptures and show that the boundaries of protection found in Scripture are not built through prayer; they are set by God for the good of His people.
MP3 (duration 00:29:41)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 24 - Trust in God
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, December 26, 2022
We continue our discussion of Dutch Sheets' book and his chapter about prayers of protection. They show that our security is found in our relationship with God, not in our own abilities and not in gaining secret information to obtain God's blessing.
MP3 (duration 00:29:38)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 23 - Blessed or Cursed?
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, December 19, 2022
We discuss Dutch Sheets' redefinition of the sovereignty of God. We address his claim that those who don't tithe open themselves to a curse and show that tithing is not a technique to stave off bad fate. Those who are in Christ are blessed, not cursed.
MP3 (duration 00:29:25)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 22 - Beware of Human Philosophy
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, December 12, 2022
We continue to refute Sheets' claim that God is not in control of all things as they discuss middle knowledge and open theism. Both are human philosophy, not biblical doctrine. They go on to show God's sovereignty as it is found in the book of Acts.
MP3 (duration 00:30:16)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 21 - Dualism
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, December 5, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that the existence of evil shows that God is not in control of all things. We explain Manichean Dualism, which is the result of this teaching. God's providential will is that all things, both good and evil, work together for His glory.
MP3 (duration 00:27:08)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 20 - C. Peter Wagner's Occult Knowledge
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 28, 2022
We finish discussing the allegorical use of Scripture and show that it is Christ who returns to defeat His enemies. We then discuss C. Peter Wagner, who wrote the foreword of this book. He claims we need to seek occult knowledge for spiritual warfare.
MP3 (duration 00:32:57)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 19 - Warfare Worldview
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 21, 2022
Dutch Sheets allegorizes out-of-context Scripture to present claims that are consistent with the warfare worldview. We examine Sheets' use of Josh 1:3 and 1Cor 10:6, 11 and show that his applications are contrary to the clear meaning of the text
MP3 (duration 00:27:13)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 18 - Christ is the True Anointed One
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 14, 2022
We discuss the terms "Christ" and "anointed." Christ is the Anointed One, and all believers are anointed in Him. We also show that we dont enforce Christ's victory over Satan; we preach the terms by which sinners exit the domain of Satan the gospel.
MP3 (duration 00:30:14)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 17 - Distorting the Great Commission
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 7, 2022
We show that dominion theology distorts the Great Commission. Jesus reigns from heaven throughout the church age. We also discuss typical NAR meetings including an upcoming Global Prophetic Summit that promises miracles and supernatural manifestations.
MP3 (duration 00:31:50)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 16 - Spiritual Technology
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, October 31, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that we must enforce Jesus' victory over the powers of darkness. We refute this and show that we must turn to Christ in repentance and faith. We need the forgiveness of sins, not spiritual technology to defeat demons.
MP3 (duration 00:29:17)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 15 - Allegorized Scripture
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, October 24, 2022
Dutch Sheets uses the story of the Gibeonites found in Joshua 9 and 10 to claim that we administer the New Covenant. He says Joshua is a type of Christ and Israel is the Church. We refute this claim and show the pitfalls of allegorizing Scripture.
MP3 (duration 00:27:34)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 14 - Who Administers the New Covenant?
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, September 26, 2022
Dutch Sheets uses 2Cor 3:6 to claim that we administer the new covenant. We show that the covenant was initiated by God, the terms are determined by God, and we have access to the blessings of the new covenant through Christ alone, with no other mediator.
MP3 (duration 00:30:28)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 13 - The True Fountain of Living Water
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, September 19, 2022
In this episode we focus on Sheets' claim that we dispense the living water. We examine John 4:7-14 and John 7:37-39 to show that Jesus is the one who dispenses His living water. Christ alone is the fountain of living water. Our role is to preach Christ.
MP3 (duration 00:32:25)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 12 - Christ + Our Part?
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, September 12, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims, in reference to Col 1:24, that what is missing is our part - "the mediating, the going between, the distributing, the enforcing." This is a denial of sufficiency of Christ. Our job is to proclaim what He has done, not add to it.
MP3 (duration 00:32:23)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 11 - Understanding Colossians 1:24
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, September 5, 2022
Dutch Sheets uses Colossians 1:24 to support his claim that "Christ didn't quite finish the job" (p.77). We examine this verse in context and show that suffering is what happens as we preach the gospel. We share in what it costs to be gospel preachers.
MP3 (duration 00:34:39)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 10 - Meeting the Powers of Darkness
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 29, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that we must enforce the victory at the cross and meet with the powers of darkness through intercession. We reject this claim and show that we are to humbly go before the throne of grace in prayer, not interact with demons.
MP3 (duration 00:31:04)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 9 - What Was Transferred at the Cross?
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 22, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that "keys were exchanged" and "authority transferred" as Jesus wrestled Satan at the cross. We show that the keys of the kingdom in Matthew 16 are the terms of the gospel, and all authority was given to Christ by God the Father.
MP3 (duration 00:28:16)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 8 - The Warfare View of the Cross
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 15, 2022
In the warfare worldview there was a wrestling match between Jesus and Satan at the cross. This is the view that Dutch Sheets describes in this book. We compare his account with what we find in Matthew and show that his view is imaginative but unbiblical.
MP3 (duration 00:28:47)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 7 - The True Ministry of Reconciliation
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 8, 2022
One passage that Dutch Sheets consistently misuses is 2Cor 5:19. He claims that our prayers "release the fruit" of what Christ did. We show that contrary to what Sheets claims, the "ministry of reconciliation" is the preaching of the gospel.
MP3 (duration 00:30:13)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 6 - Diminishing the Uniqueness of Christ
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, August 1, 2022
We review Scriptures that show that Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede for us, but we are not intercessors. We show that Dutch Sheets consistently diminishes the uniqueness of Christ and assigns to believers that which rightly belongs to Him alone.
MP3 (duration 00:23:43)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 5 - Further Diminishing God's Sovereignty
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 25, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that "our calling and function is to release God." We show that God's promise is to work through Jesus, who is unique. We trust the promises of God and preach the gospel. God chooses to work through us yet is entirely sovereign.
MP3 (duration 00:29:12)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 4 - Understanding Intercession
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 18, 2022
We discuss intercession. The Holy Spirit is interceding for us, and Jesus intercedes for us. Intercession is what they do; prayer is what we do. We don't need to tell Jesus what to intercede for; we need to trust Him and pray for one another.
MP3 (duration 00:29:23)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 3 - Diminishing God's Sovereignty
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 11, 2022
We examine Sheets' claim that God has limited Himself to working through humans. This theology diminishes the sovereignty of God and elevates humans. Like many NAR teachers, Sheets describes God's actions as being contingent on His own creation.
MP3 (duration 00:27:56)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 2 - God is Not Bound
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, July 4, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims that our prayers release God to act. In his view God is bound and needs to be released by us. We claim that He doesn't need us; we need Him. Though God does use us to accomplish His will, He is not bound, and He always gets the glory.
MP3 (duration 00:28:39)

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 1 - Contrived Theology
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, June 27, 2022
Dutch Sheets claims to have apostolic and prophetic anointing. We show that this book is based on New Apostolic Reformation dominionistic teaching. This is a contrived theology that is not found in the clear teaching of Scripture.
MP3 (duration 00:25:49)

Examining Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Part 5 - Allegorical Use of Scripture
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 30, 2022
We discuss Shirer's use of the floating ax head narrative in 2Kings 6. She uses it to show that we need to get back our "cutting edge" in prayer. This is a semantic sleight of hand based on an allegorical interpretation of that passage.
MP3 (duration 00:30:15)

Examining Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Part 4 - Strategies 5-10
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 23, 2022
We continue our discussion of the 10 strategies Priscilla Shirer claims Satan uses against us. Each strategy in the book contains a Scripture reference. In this episode we examine those references to determine if they are properly applied.
MP3 (duration 00:29:01)

Examining Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Part 3 - Strategies 1-4
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 16, 2022
Priscilla Shirer describes 10 strategies that she claims Satan uses against us. Each strategy in the book contains a Scripture reference. In this episode we examine those references to determine if they are properly applied.
MP3 (duration 00:28:17)

Examining Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Part 2 - Knowing the Truth and the Lie
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 9, 2022
According to Priscilla Shirer we must "pray with precision" to experience God's promises. If we are in Christ we are blessed, and we can trust the promises of God and stand firm in the truth without knowing what is going on in the spirit world.
MP3 (duration 00:30:47)

Examining Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Part 1 - Suppositions or Scripture?
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 2, 2022
In her book "Fervent" Priscilla Shirer describes 10 strategies that she assumes Satan uses against us. We do not need to know the mind of Satan to pray. We need to believe the promises of God and draw near with confidence to the throne of grace (Heb 4:16).
MP3 (duration 00:29:18)

True and False Spiritual Warfare, Part 18 - The Lord's Prayer
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 24, 2021
We wrap up our discussion of processing the past and go on to discuss the Lord's Prayer. It is often turned into a repetitive, shamanistic prayer to ward off evil. We show that the Lord's Prayer is nothing like the prayers prescribed by false teachers.
MP3 (duration 00:30:10)

True and False Spiritual Warfare, Part 16 - Understanding Prayer
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, May 10, 2021
In Eph 6 the prayer is for boldness to proclaim the gospel. Prayer is believers coming "...boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb 4:16), not deploying weapons to manipulate the spirit world.
MP3 (duration 00:26:00)

Solitude, Silence, and Stillness Part 3 - False Teachings on Prayer Refuted
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 20, 2020
We discuss centering prayer as prescribed by Enneagram mystics. These false teachings on prayer are numerous, pernicious, and lead people away from the true God of the Bible. We point our listeners to true means of grace revealed in the Bible.
MP3 (duration 00:31:06)

The Dangers of Contemplative Prayer
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, January 13, 2020
In a DVD titled "Be Still and Know that I am God," Beth Moore and other evangelicals like Richard Foster promote a mystical approach to prayer and spirituality. We compare Moore's interpretation of Exodus 33:7-11 with the true meaning of the text.
MP3 (duration 00:29:02)

The Incredible Privilege of Prayer: Hebrews 4:16-5:2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, March 5, 2018
We explore many implications of the fact that we have access to the throne of grace where we can go with confidence and not shame. There, we find mercy, grace, and "timely help."
MP3 (duration 00:30:54)

Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, Part 3
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, November 24, 2008
We discuss the difference between having faith in Christ and having faith in our own degree of personal piety. IHOP promotes the latter and we point to the passages in Hebrews that explain how we draw near to God. We finish by offering advice.
MP3 (duration 00:30:02)

Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, November 17, 2008
We explain how IHOP uses allegorized scripture to create an elitist system of hyper-pious Christians who deem themselves superior to ordinary Christians. We show how allegorizing the Bible leads them away from the meaning of the inspired Biblical authors.
MP3 (duration 00:30:36)

Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, November 10, 2008
Mike Bickle claims to have heard the audible voice of God telling him to start a ministry of "tabernacle of David" worship, which Bickle calls the International House of Prayer (IHOP). We discuss numerous theological problems with this movement.
MP3 (duration 00:31:53)

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