Emergent Delusion Radio Broadcasts

The Priesthood of Every Believer, Part 14 - Sola Scriptura and True Revelation
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, April 4, 2022
We discuss Sola Scriptura, showing that only God's Word is authoritative and binding on the church. We discuss the use of revelation 1Cor 14 and show that it was bringing forth implications and applications from Scripture which were to be judged by others.
MP3 (duration 00:28:40)

Emergent Eschatology, Part 4: Emergent Spirituality and Marxism
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Eric Douma
Broadcast Monday, May 28, 2018
We discuss the errant foundation of Emergent theology which is their unbiblical claim of God being in everything. This means that God isn't sovereign over or transcendent to His own creation. The Hegelian synthesis expressed politically through Marxism...
MP3 (duration 00:31:58)

Emergent Eschatology, Part 3: From God is Dead to God is Imagined
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Eric Douma
Broadcast Monday, May 21, 2018
In this broadcast we interact with the Emergent objection to absolute statements of truth and their ideas about a socially constructed reality. An example of this is the contemporary progressive claim that even gender is a state of mind.
MP3 (duration 00:36:29)

Emergent Eschatology, Part 2: How Emergent Theology Erases Valid Categories
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Eric Douma
Broadcast Monday, May 14, 2018
We begin by sharing a summary definition of the Emerging Church movement. This involves bringing paradise on earth without future judgment. Most people who have heard of Emergent do not realize that source Jurgen Moltmann derived it from atheism...
MP3 (duration 00:35:33)

Emergent Eschatology, Part 1: Philosophy and Human Imagination
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Eric Douma
Broadcast Monday, May 7, 2018
The Emergent movement is based on the idea of progress toward an ideal future for the whole cosmos without divine judgment. This involves an esoteric philosophy derived from German romantic idealism. We will unpack the philosophy of G W F Hegel...
MP3 (duration 00:36:02)

Pragmatism and Truth
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, July 10, 2017
This program discusses pragmatism as a popular American philosophy. We show that pragmatism cannot be used as a test for truth and has had a negative influence on American Evangelicalism.
MP3 (duration 00:27:51)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 8
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, June 21, 2010
Postmodern theology joins the "conversation" that started in the Garden by questioning "has God said." One way they silence the authority of Scripture is by rejecting systematic theology... Theology is no longer derived from the Bible.
MP3 (duration 00:33:59)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 7
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 31, 2010
We discuss the validity of logic as a necessary part of surviving as humans created in God's image. The Emergent embrace of logical contradictions creates the inability to communicate valid meaning. Logic is our necessary connection to what God has said.
MP3 (duration 00:31:42)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 6
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 24, 2010
We discuss the applicability of Francis Schaeffer's warnings about "escape from reason" to the Emergent Church and postmodern theology. Included are the topics of socially constructed reality, the blind leap, lack of verification, and deconstruction.
MP3 (duration 00:33:09)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 5
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 17, 2010
This program discusses the implications of the Emergent/postmodern rejection of foundationalism in regard to the Bible. Emergent rejects the Bible as foundational for Christian theology. We also discuss their rejection of the correspondence "theory"...
MP3 (duration 00:33:12)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 4
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 10, 2010
This program discusses the issue of the Emergent Church denying propositional truth. We show that the Bible makes propositional truth claims and explain what a proposition is. Emergent wishes not to adjudicate rival truth claims...
MP3 (duration 00:30:50)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 3
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 3, 2010
We discuss the Emergent concept of being missional and show that missional is totally different than the older ideas of mission or missionary. Missional contains no gospel preaching, is gleaned from pagans, and assumes that God has not spoken clearly...
MP3 (duration 00:34:16)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, April 19, 2010
Theologian Jurgen Moltmann's use of the philosophy of German philosopher Hegel underlies the theology of the Emergent Church. Bob explains what he learned from a trip to Chicago to hear Moltmann speak and give his key idea that there is no future judgment
MP3 (duration 00:32:51)

The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, April 12, 2010
In this series, we discuss the fact that underlying postmodern theology has invaded our educational system. We discuss how Emergent theology is based on their eschatology and introduce the source of their eschatology: German theologian Jurgen Moltmann.
MP3 (duration 00:33:04)

Jan Markell Interview about My Trip to an Emergent Conference
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jan Markell
Broadcast Monday, March 29, 2010
During the fall of 2009 Bob DeWaay traveled to Chicago to attend a leadership conference sponsored by the Emergent Village. The keynote speaker was Jurgen Moltmann. We discuss his beliefs and those of his Emergent followers.
MP3 (duration 00:52:22)

Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough Discuss Emergent Theology, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough
Broadcast Monday, November 2, 2009
In September 2009, Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough attended an Emergent leadership conference where they heard theologian Jurgen Moltmann whom Bob has identified as the theological source of the Emergent Church. This is part two of the interview.
MP3 (duration 00:33:38)

Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough Discuss Emergent Theology, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough
Broadcast Monday, October 26, 2009
In September 2009, Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough attended an Emergent leadership conference where they heard theologian Jurgen Moltmann whom Bob has identified as the theological source of the Emergent Church. This is part one of an interview by Chris.
MP3 (duration 00:34:02)

Sola Scriptura, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, July 14, 2008
In part 2 we discuss specific examples of evangelicals abandoning sola scriptura. These include the New Apostolic Reformation, the Emergent Church, and the teachings and practices of Dallas Willard. We show how these trends lead back to Rome.
MP3 (duration 00:28:47)

Sola Scriptura, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, July 7, 2008
In recent years, the bed rock Reformation principle of "Scripture alone" has so eroded that some evangelicals will even argue against it. In part one we go back to the Scriptures and then early church history to prove that sola scriptura is a valid truth.
MP3 (duration 00:35:44)

Rob Bell's Abstract "Elvis", Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, June 2, 2008
This show continues the critique of Rob Bell's book, Velvet Elvis. We discuss Rob Bell's leap of faith, semantic mysticism, and his claim that man is the object of God's faith.
MP3 (duration 00:32:34)

Rob Bell's Abstract "Elvis", Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 26, 2008
This show critiques Rob Bell's book, Velvet Elvis. We explain how Bell denies the principle of Scripture alone, puts the church above Scripture, claims that the Bible is paradox and mystery, and that his "Elvis" is abstract and could look like anything.
MP3 (duration 00:29:38)

Why Icons Cannot Preach the Gospel
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, May 7, 2007
It is common for those who promote postmodern spirituality, like the Emergent Church, to claim that words and propositional truth claims cannot convey meaning cross culturally. We show that their substitute for words--Icons--cannot preach the gospel.
MP3 (duration 00:30:27)

The Imaginary Eschatology of the Emerging Church
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, April 30, 2007
Postmodern theology expresses a distain for propositional truth, spoken by God, using words that are meaningful to God and man. One consequence is the creation of a theology from one's own imagination which some leaders of the Emergent Church have done.
MP3 (duration 00:31:44)

Emergent Delusion, Part 3
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, September 4, 2006
This series examines the beliefs of a new movement in Christianity called The Emerging Church. We critique the theology of its key founder, Brian McLaren and show that at its heart, it is "escape from reason" and thereby escape from Biblical authority.
MP3 (duration 00:23:22)

Emergent Delusion, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, August 28, 2006
This series examines the beliefs of a new movement in Christianity called The Emerging Church. We critique the theology of its key founder, Brian McLaren and show that at its heart, it is "escape from reason" and thereby escape from Biblical authority.
MP3 (duration 00:20:24)

Emergent Delusion, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, August 21, 2006
This series examines the beliefs of a new movement in Christianity called The Emerging Church. We critique the theology of its key founder, Brian McLaren and show that at its heart, it is "escape from reason" and thereby escape from Biblical authority.
MP3 (duration 00:26:13)

God's Truth
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, July 24, 2006
This program defends the validity of God's truth in an age that has given up hope for knowing truth. We explain the various ways "post-modernity" has been given over to despair in regard to knowing the truth and provide a Biblical alternative.
MP3 (duration 00:26:00)

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