The Discerning of Spirits Radio Broadcasts

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, Part 20 - C. Peter Wagner's Occult Knowledge
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Jessica Kramasz
Broadcast Monday, November 28, 2022
We finish discussing the allegorical use of Scripture and show that it is Christ who returns to defeat His enemies. We then discuss C. Peter Wagner, who wrote the foreword of this book. He claims we need to seek occult knowledge for spiritual warfare.
MP3 (duration 00:32:57)

The Dangers of the Occult
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, February 3, 2020
This broadcast is part of a message Bob DeWaay preached to explain the nature of the occult and why believers are strongly warned against it. Though based on material from Deuteronomy 18, such warnings transcend the covenants and always apply.
MP3 (duration 00:25:35)

The Discerning of Spirits, Part 2
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, January 27, 2020
As we continue this topic, we state that there are no valid, authoritative apostles and prophets beyond the Biblical ones that give binding revelations. This leads to a discussion about the nature of prophecy in the church and why it must be judged.
MP3 (duration 00:25:09)

The Discerning of Spirits, Part 1
Presented by Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel
Broadcast Monday, January 20, 2020
We discuss 1John 4:1-6 which is about testing spirits. Our claim is that the biblical test of spirits is objective rather than subjective. To put this into proper perspective we discuss worldviews that influence one's view of the spiritual realm...
MP3 (duration 00:24:59)

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